Question: We currently handle transshipment moving out of MIA to SCL (Santiago, Chile) on a T&E basis. We have been asked by Chile to provide a Transshipment Certificate, stating that this is a requirement. Has anyone else in the community experienced this type of request ?  This is the first we hear of having to provide […]


    Question:I am being told that a potential new customer in Russia must manage the freight from our facility to the port of import because the importing process is so complicated there.  I’m wondering if that is true?  Should I be concerned?? Is there anything else I should be aware of??  


    Question: I am being told that a potential new customer in Russia must manage thefreight from our facility to the port of import because the importingprocess is so complicated there.  I’m wondering if that is true?  ShouldI be concerned?? Is there anything else I should be aware of?? 


    Question:I have recently been charged with developing a process for shipping and recieving ocean containers and how to handle security seals. This is a new practice for my company so I have no knowledge base to draw from when developing procedures and checklists. Would anyone in the membership be willing to share templates of their […]


    Question:Ok so you can make 1 entry for multiple shipments arriving on the same conveyance with the same consignee.  Can you cut 1 I.T./T&E/I.E. for multiple shipments traveling under bond that arrive on the same conveyance with the same consignee traveling to the same location?


    Question: It’s been a while since I’ve had to deal with this…With 50% of all air cargo transported on passenger aircraft is to be screened beginning Feb 3, 2009 – we have several freight forwarders requesting that our shipping location personnel provide copies of their driver’s licenses with each pick up. This has a lot […]

  • Selling Transportation Services

    Question: Can a company that is not licensed as a NVOCC sell internationaltransportation services?  For example, they would contract with a steamship line or a NVOCC and then sell the transportation, with a mark-up, to their customer.  Wouldn’t this company need to be licensed / registered with the FMC to file the ocean freight rate.


    My company, which is both an importer and exporter, is in the early stages of a feasibility study into setting up an NVOCC. I would like to hear from ICPA members that have set up their own NVOCC, or have looked into it and decided not to proceed, about their experiences. I’d also welcome the […]


    We are in the process of looking for a new corporate freight forwarder. Does anyone have a checklist or questionnaire we should send to potential forwarders? What kinds of issues other than pricing should a new exporter be looking at when selecting a new forwarder?

  • Transportation Q&A 1

    I’ve been reading about the slow downs for goods coming into the U.S. from Asia due to Homeland Security. Have any of the members heard or experienced any slow downs at the border from Mexico? Right now our goods seem to be coming through on a timely bases, but I have heard rumors of slow […]

  • Transportation Q&A 3

    Can some one please advise their interpretation of foreign inland freight when you have an exworks pricing term, but not arranged on a thru bill of lading? Would the foreign inland freight be dutiable or not dutiable?