Question: We import chemicals and are required to submit a positive TSCAcertification upon import.  Currently, with our broker approval, wecreate a blanket-type certificate by supplier listing each chemical for thatsupplier.   Our broker submits this certificate with each entry marking thechemical being imported. Per 19 CFR 12.121(a)(2), TSCA import certification statements are to befiled with the […]


    Questions; We have a product that has two chemical components that are clearly TSCAlisted. We do not believe a Premanufacture Notice was filed for thisparticular product. Should we file a PMN, even though the two components arealready listed on TSCA?


    Question: Do any of the members have a file (excel or .pdf) showing itemsrequiring TSCA certification or possibly a current website link ? A listing of applicable HTS codes would be helpful as well.

  • TSCA Q&A 1

    Can anyone recommend training for TSCA certification of imports? Although I believe this is the responsibility of our Environmental Health and Safety department, it has fallen upon the Customs department to issue TSCA statements for our imports. I need help since I have no idea what I am doing.

  • TSCA Q&A 2

    We are experiencing difficulting obtaining the CAS numbers for the few chemicals we import from vendors in Japan. The reason they will not reveal the components of these substances is to protect their proprietary information. They ask us to rely on the statements they make on the MSDS forms regarding the TSCA status of these […]

  • TSCA Q&A 4

    My company purchases chemicals which we blend to make a sellable product. Once blended they cannot be extracted for reuse. Some of the components are purchased in quantities above a specified threshold. I am being asked by my supplier to sign a form indicating I am following import and export laws. There are also statements […]