Ultimate Consignee

Ultimate Consignee


    Question: This question is regarding a POE/DDP routing guide.    We are a U.S. importer and the importer of record.  Purchase orders are placed with overseas suppliers on behalf of our client to whom the goods are turned over upon arrival to a US port and will be recovered by them directly from the port […]

  • Who is the Ultimate Consignee (continued)

    Question: We have a client that sells export-controlled cameras under a BIS license to their foreign distributor. The distributor then resells to their end customers who are known at the time of licensing.  As per BIS instruction received by the licensing officer we work with, we list the foreign distributor as the ultimate consignee on […]

  • Who is the Ultimate Consignee

    Question: Scenario: Company “A” a U.S. company/person located in the US is going to export/ship from the US an ECCN 6A003 camera under a BIS export license to Company “B” their distributor in India. The distributor has lined up a resale of the camera to company “C” a military end user in India.  Question: On […]

  • Intermediate & Ultimate Consignee

    Question: We (USPPI) sell to a UAE company (FPPI) that takes ownership of the goods FCA shipper’s premises.   The product ships directly from our warehouse to a Forwarding Agent/Warehouse located in a Dubai FTZ.  The product is consolidated there and eventually will move along to one or more end users in secondary transactions.  Those users […]

  • Post Export Review

    Question: Scenario; We ship material to a long-standing customer in Ohio. Two months later we find out through some correspondence that they shipped this material to their customer in China. They did not provide the end users information either on the new correspondence or on any previous correspondence related to the order. Since I wasn’t […]

  • Ultimate consignee import to US by courier companies

    Question: Hi all, We have discovered in monthly auditing that the courier companies exclude the ultimate consignee in the import handling to US. Is there any exception for them or maybe for lower value that you can advise me about. Is there a law text available? Or is it mandatory to always add Ultimate consignee? […]


    QUESTION: For items being shipped to our company by a foreign customer, (used parts) the customer is responsible for all freight, fees, duties and taxes. The invoice indicates “ship to” our company name and address. Our company is not the Importer of Record (IOR) for Customs processing.  The broker or express carrier is the IOR.  […]


    QUESTION: I’m reaching out for input and/or to confirm my understanding of 15 CFR § 30.6 (3) Ultimate Consignee. We regularly send shipments to a receiving location (warehouse) where the goods are physically received.  This is a separate location from the billable/legal address.  Our invoices normally show the Sold To as the billable/legal address and […]


    Question:   Here is the scenario: US Company A sells goods to Dominican Republic Company B. Company B takes title to the goods in Miami under FCA terms. Company B then ships goods to their customer, Company C, which is based in the US Virgin Islands. Company A is not related to Company B or […]


    Question: US parent sells to related UK subsidiary. UK subsidiary sells to end customer in UK. End customer details are known at the time of US export. US parent arranges freight forwarding services from door to door. Cargo will be delivered straight to end customer. Incoterm between parent and subsidiary is CIP London. Freight forwarder […]


    Question We’re having a debate, I mean discussion with CBP regarding the use andour responsibility/liability when our company is indicated as ultimateconsignee on the 7501 (either our domestic vendor or the courier isindicated as the IOR).  A CBP official mentioned that ourresponsibility/liability would disappear if we simply advised theshipper (or courier) never to indicate our […]


    Question:On physical exports where an AES submission is required, if your end user is different from your ship-to, are you showing ship-to as intermediate consignee and end user as ultimate consignee?  If not, what are you doing where ship-to differs from end user?