• Side by Side Comparison: NAFTA – USMCA ROOs

    QUESTION: Does anyone have a file that provides a side by side comparison of the NAFTA and USMCA ROOs? %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: While not a “side by side” comparison, the rules of origin under USMCA can be found at the United States Trade Representative website… %%%%%%%%%% I tried to do exactly that – create a […]

  • USMCA statement in ERP documents

    QUESTION: How are you handling the new statements in your ERP software? We don’t want to populate the statement on every commercial invoice because it’s not relevant to exports outside of CA and MX.  We would also like our domestic customers to have this statement as we get these requests from a lot of domestic […]

  • USMCA Implementation?

    QUESTION: I found the following on the Office of the US Trade Representative’s website: USMCA To Enter Into Force July 1 After United States Takes Final Procedural Steps For Implementation However, I’m not able to find anything similar on, The Federal Register or anywhere else on the internet. Can someone explain why the […]


    QUESTION: Will the USMCA agreement alleviate MPF upon importation (for US), GST (for Canada) and VAT (for Mexico) if the imported product qualifies? ************** Answers:Mpf = YES, other 2 NO ************ No free trade agreement has ever alleviated GST in Canada. The amount of GST you pay on imported goods, when taxable, is reduced if […]


    QUESTION: In preparing my company for the upcoming USMCA In-Force date (whenever that will be), we have prepared an LVC certification letter to send to our customers when requested. Our legal counsel is suggesting that we change the word “ I ”  to the company name as “it’s (company name) that is making the representations, […]


    QUESTION: Is there a draft version of the new USMCA available to view. I understand there are some significant changes to the textile areas, and I need to get more info. **************** Answers: **************** Senate passed a final version today, so you would want to check that- ************** The revised text is available on the […]


    Question: Does anyone in the membership have guidance on when USMCA would become active and replace NAFTA (pending ratification of course). I’ve been monitoring communications on the developments but have not found information on when it would be implemented once fully approved. =========== Answers: It stipulated in the agreement as written, implementation is 90 days […]

  • USMCA & support for free trade claims

    QUESTION: In reading about the new USMCA I am worried about the switch in liability for supporting a claim from the exporter to the importer. Under the USMCA, the liability for having the records to support a claim switches from the exporter via a “paper” (PDF) signed / dated form 434, to the importer who […]


    QUESTION: Does anyone have any idea how the new USMCA agreement might affect those of us in the automotive industry when it comes to trace value? Will there still be a tracing list? Will this now have to be separate from the Trace Value NAFTA form we’ve been using to date? ========== Answer: It’s all […]


    QUESTION: My questions are regarding the future of origin forms under USMCA. The text of the agreement covers Origin Procedures in section 5. It states that free form language on a document such as an invoice or packing list can qualify as an origin statement under the proposed agreement. I would like predictions from the […]

  • USMCA vs. NAFTA Certificates of Origin

    QUESTION: Like many of you, we are in the middle of our 2019 supplier certification solicitation process. Up until Monday, the process was moving along swimmingly (well, as swimmingly as possible, anyway). However, after Monday’s announcement, we have had several suppliers respond to our solicitation request with a message along the lines of “Since we […]


    QUESTION: I have come across several relatively minor changes/enhancements while reviewing Section 05 Origin Procedures of the draft of the USMCA , but there is one that I hesitate to interpret (i.e. report to company executives). Article 5.4 chapter 6 states: “Each Party shall provide that a certification of origin for a good imported […]