QUESTION: Any sense of when the USCMA Rules of Origin will be updated to reflect the HS2022 updated subheadings? ************** Answers: Typically, they do not change the rules of origin under FTA. You simply need to look at the rule of origin applicable to the classification that your good fell under prior to the tariff […]


    QUESTION: Can you use and issue an USMCA certificate for products that comply with the USMCA rules of origin, but the exporter is not a legal entity in the US/CA/MX For example, my US based company has a business unit in Europe. That European Business unit completed a sell of a US Origin material to […]


    QUESTION: Some Mexico importers insist on listing their company and employees details in the Importer field on the USMCA certificate. It becomes a burden to manage updating the certificates per importers’ requests. Does membership know of any other guidelines or regulation that state that it is acceptable to issue a certificate with Importer field showing […]

  • NAFTA / USMCA – Certificate of Origin vs Certification of Origin

    QUESTION: The title of our FTA origin document issued by one of our suppliers reflects “Certificate of Origin” and not “Certification of Origin”.   Our customs broker is telling us that the form has to be changed to Certification of Origin due to USMCA requirements. The issue is this is a systems generated document which will require […]


    QUESTION: Does anyone in the group have the steps necessary to qualify an item for USMCA? (non-automotive and non-textile) This would be used as an internal working document to qualify goods. ============ Answer: Based on the applicable rules of origin… you follow the steps dictated by the specific rule for your item or items =========== […]


    QUESTION: I have a supplier in Mexico who is able to qualify their items under USMCA, COO MX, but the way they filled out their form has be second guessing claiming it, at least for now. On the USMCA form, under ‘origin criterion’ the suppler filled out ‘B – items produced entirely in the territory […]


    QUESTION: Would like advise as to whether the following will qualify for USMCA.  Below is the information. 8421.99- CN  $ 30.18 3917.33- US  $ 16.39 4819.20- US  $ 9.72 4911.10- US  $ 2.06 3919.10- US  $0.17 LABOR          $3.08 Finished good HTS 8421.21 All parts will be sent to Canada for kitting.  […]

  • Four Year Validity of USMCA and NAFTA Certs

    QUESTION: In USMCA Chapter 5, Article 5.3, 6., it states, “Each Party shall provide that a certification of origin for a good imported into its territory be accepted by its customs administration for four years after the date the certification of origin was completed.”  Almost identical language appears in NAFTA Chapter 5, Section A, Article […]


    QUESTION: In USMCA Chapter 5, Article 5.3, 6., it states, “Each Party shall provide that a certification of origin for a good imported into its territory be accepted by its customs administration for four years after the date the certification of origin was completed.”  Almost identical language appears in NAFTA Chapter 5, Section A, Article […]

  • USMCA – Qualifying child parts

    QUESTION: Under USMCA , if we have a root part # that qualifies . for example : Root Part Number ‘1234’ qualifies . Will the child part of the root also directly qualifies? For example : 1234-4567 1234-9876 1234-6543 I understand the child part may have a different HS , would it requires it’s own […]


    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: There is a current shift in the world to be more sustainable and as a result have seen more and more recycled components being used. Some of the suppliers of recycled resins/plastics are not able to provide USMCA for the recycled resins/plastics they provide and as a result […]

  • 8708.80 AND USMCA

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements Looking at the screenshot below, 8708.80.03 and 05 are duty-free, and it states there is no FTA eligibility.   Does that mean USMCA is out of the question? OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements =========== Answers: Means your product is duty free already (if your product is exclusively for use […]