Question: We submitted a comment/question regarding “Foreign Company’s US location as USPPI” to Census via their blog. I have been told that the foreign company’s US location can act as USPPI in the past by one person at Census, and told by another person at Census that there must be 50 different AES filings completed […]


    Question: I was have searched the ICPA site regarding the Power of Attorney and Written Authorization. (15 CFR Part 30 Appendix A).  I am searching to know what is the difference and who can sign the POA and/or Written Authorization. Here is my understanding.  A POA is used when a USPPI gives authority to freight […]


    Question: Who would be considered the USPPI in an export transaction which is being financed for leasing in the US.  The manufacturer/seller or the US finance company?  I am thinking the US Manufacturer would be the USPPI since they are benefiting from the foreign sale more so than the Finance Company. In this same export […]


    Question: US company A sells to related US Company B.  US Company B Sells to a Foreign company and  the foreign company instructs US company B to ship to a Freight Forwarder for consolidations out of the US.  Is company B the USPPI or can the foreign company designate the freight forwarder to be the […]


    Question: My company is not involved in the customs transaction, but was asked a question.  A certain foreign drug in England is sending an IND (Investigational New Drug) to the USA to a warehouse for packaging, once the packaging is done the IND will be sent to Germany.  I was asked who would be the […]


    Question: I have a question regarding USPPI. In the past, I have been advised by Census that the USPPI is the entity in the US that receives the primary benefit (typically monetary) from the transaction. The USPPI is also considered the “exporter of record”. I am trying to understand who the USPPI (exporter of record) […]


    Question:   I come from a manufacturing background where my last company we were the IOR/USPPI. I recently joined a warehousing operation that provides order fulfillment for goods that are not owned by my new company. We are not the IOR, nor the USPPI.   We will pick and pack the goods and will send […]


      Question:   We are considering a sale and want to work out any customs/AES issues prior to agreeing to accept the PO on our Ireland.  According to our Ireland company Scenario A is preferred by our customer in Brazil.  I assume because they save freight costs.  Aside from freight costs which could be negotiated, […]


      Question: We have a routed transaction (FCA), where the foreign principal party (FPPI) has nominated us (the USPPI) as the authorized agent.  We are filing the EEI on their behalf, but the customer is contracting the freight.  Is the US forwarding agent still required to provide us with copies of the HBL even though […]

  • Define shipment – USPPI – small parcel

      Question:   The definition of shipment is:   A shipment is merchandise shipped from one U.S. Principal Party in Interest   (USPPI) to one consignee to a single country of destination, on a single conveyance, on the same day, valued over $2,500 per schedule B, or when a license is required. (§30.1)  A single […]


      QUESTION:   US Company A owns raw material stored at the contract manufacturer, US Company B. At the instruction of US Company A, US Company B prepares a shipment to export some of the raw material to Europe. US Company B prepares the commercial invoice and US Company A isn’t mentioned on the invoice. […]

  • USPPI PER 15 CFR 30.3

    Question:My company is selling to a related company in France, who in turn is selling to a related party in Israel.  Israel is contracting the freight forwarder and my company in the U.S. is shipping direct to Israel. As this is a routed transaction, will my company need written authorization (as required by 15 CFR […]