

  • discounts, valuation

    Question: Can anyone explain what an “unconditional price adjustment” is when discussing discounts related to an import?  It is part of the three part test CBP applies to determine the effect of discounts lowering customs value.  As for CBP, they purport to apply a three-part test for testing the effect of discounts lowering customs value: […]

  • Splitting Margin with the Seller – Customs Value

    Question: Good day. I was just informed by our sales department that for a specific container of product, when we sell the product, we will be sending the seller (the company we are buying the product from) half of the margin.  Does this factor into the price paid in any way? I could not think […]

  • Retail Packaging & Valuation

    Question: We are moving some packaging to a facility in Mexico. The process will include shipping excess product from our US location, that was already imported from our foreign vendors, to the facility in Mexico, and shipping product from our foreign vendors directly to the facility in Mexico. Once at the Mexican facility, they will […]

  • Assist

    Question: Is the term “Assist” generally only used in the US?  I have found valuation rules for other countries requiring that tools/molds, detail parts, and consumables provided for free must be added to declared value for imports, but they did not specifically call them Assists.  I’m developing a valuation guide for a multinational corporation, and […]

  • Value of Used Computers

    Question: My company is considering importing company owned used and no longer in use computers to scrap in the U.S.  These computers were originally leased but the lease was bought out during the pandemic and have since depreciated on the company books to a zero value.  I am working to determine the customs value of […]

  • Export return value

    Question: Hello, I have a supplier located in China. We imported 90 pcs @ $60 EA. HTS code 8542399000. We had an issue with these parts and need to return them to the supplier. The supplier has asked that we return on a commercial invoice showing the price as $3 EA HTS code 8542399000. To […]

  • Determining Valuation of Pharmaceutical Clinical Supply Materials

    Question: Hi Membership, I have a couple of questions regarding valuation determination. The pharmaceutical company I am working with is working to determine the valuation of a material currently being used in a clinical trial. When determining the valuation: Should the cost of transportation from Depot to Depot and Depot to Site be included in […]

  • FOB to ExWorks

    Question: Hello Team, we are doing a project to reduce our duties paid and it appears the only way to “deduct” foreign inland freight is to move to ExWorks or ship CIF (door to port). Has anyone else ventured down this path and what were your findings? What other unanticipated obstacles did you run into? […]

  • Sale of non tangible items in bundles

    Question: We have a bundled “kit” that we sell to our customers.  They will require separate classifications, separate values and separate origins reported on an entry.  However, included in this “kit” are intangible things like a user’s license and a warranty.  Everything is broken out on separate lines underneath the actual bundle part number.  The […]


    QUESTION: Under the fallback valuation method is the cost of processing performed in the US allowed as a deduction to the entered value? The product has no value in the sense that we are not charging our “customers” for pick-up of the product, freight to move the product to our locations or any processing fees. […]


    QUESTION: If one exports an item ($10,000 value) to be repaired, and the value of the repair is $2,000, when I re-import to the USA, what VALUE would I declare if I DO NOT WANT TO USE 9802 (which is optional)?  In other words, I’m just going to declare the base HTS and pay duty/mpf […]


    QUESTION: For FOB goods out of China into the US – is there ever a circumstance when the following fee’s could be considered NDC’s (Nondutiable Charges. Inland origin transportation fees Vendor Management Fees Document fees ========== Answer: Is there ever a circumstance when the following fees could be considered NDC’s?  Yes.  But it really depends […]