


    QUESTION: Company A is a US based company with a sister company (Company B) in Norway.  A purchase order was issued to Company A from a customer in Norway.  Part of the purchase order is that Company A in the US will ship goods to sister company B in Norway and customer will take from […]


    QUESTION: We are considering expanding our First Sale for Export (FSFE) program in light of the Section 301 tariffs and would like to do some benchmarking to see if other retails are doing the same. If your company participates in the First Sale program, do you handle within Trade Compliance department, work with your legal […]


    QUESTION: Time of determination of ‘price paid or payable’ Does anyone have the answer – and more particularly the CITATION to support the answer? *************** Add’l Answer: I am not sure of what you are asking here. In CBP ruling HQ H021399, April 29, 2011 it explains: Concerning whether the pro forma invoice price represents […]

  • Transaction Value

    QUESTION: A product is made in China, imported into CA, then sold & shipped to the US for $3.95. The party in Canada pays selling commissions to sales people in the US to sell the product; should the US selling commissions be included in the transaction value? *************** Add Answer: No. This is because the […]


    QUESTION: Like to ask the membership a question about software that is downloaded on to our machine once it has been installed at the international customer site. Because it is not being exported on our PC that controls the machine at time of export, do you remove that value from the commercial invoice, i.e. System […]

  • Correct value to be declared

    QUESTION: I have a question regarding what is the correct value to be declared on an import. Scenario- domestic company issues a p.o. to us (USA company), we issue a p.o. to our manufacturer in China. They ship the goods to the USA, to our clients door directly. Entry made under our name, for we […]

  • Standard cost breakdown requested during customs valuation audit

    QUESTION: We are undergoing a Customs Audit of related party transactions. We are a US company. the Customs authority is outside the US and in the country of a related entity. The auditors asked for the detailed costs that comprise our full standard cost. Our Finance team is reluctant to provide this level of detail. […]

  • First Sale Program / Consolidation program

    QUESTION: We currently participate in the First Sale Program. All of our vendors (that are part of our FS program) are from Asia and our company is now looking to implement a consolidation center to build full containers. The goods may be stored for a few days or a few months. My advise was as […]

  • First Sale program – similar programs in other countries?

    QUESTION: Does anyone in the membership know if other countries have duty saving programs in place for multi-tiered transactions similar to the First Sale program in the United States? Specifically looking for countries like China, India & Saudi Arabia, but would be interested to know if other countries have a program as well. ========== Answers: […]


    QUESTION: Can the membership help explain how sets are valued for customs purposes. Example: 1) We are importing Bed Sheet sets. Each set contains 2 pillow cases, 1 Flat sheet, 1 Fitted Sheet. Each component has its own tariff code and must be declared separately on the entry. We receive a commercial invoice where the […]

  • Valuation – related parties

    QUESTION: Our US entity is purchasing materials from a third party supplier, cutting to size, then re-selling to a joint venture partner for the same price that they originally paid to the supplier. They are not adding any mark up or charging for the added labor. I have expressed concern that this does not follow […]

  • Additions to value and 301 duties

    QUESTION: Our end customer in the US has offered to “split” the extra costs of the 301 duties on goods imported from China with us. Is this an addition to Customs value? Or would it only be an addition to Customs value if it was the Chinese supplier offering, and it’s no problem if it’s […]