Kendrick Trade Weekly Highlights: Understanding Preferential vs. Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin Requests: Week of July 15, 2024

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Week of July 14, 2024


Understanding Preferential vs. Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin Requests


Understanding the difference between non-preferential and preferential country of origin is crucial for businesses using free trade agreements like USMCA. Non-preferential country of origin determines how products are treated under general trade rules, while USMCA qualification ensures products meet specific criteria to benefit from reduced tariffs under the agreement. Key stakeholders such as customer service representatives, procurement teams, and executives need to grasp these concepts to ensure compliance and optimize supply chains. For more details and resources on navigating these trade regulations, check out our latest blog post HERE.



Kendrick Trade specializes in USMCA qualifications, helping businesses navigate the complexities of trade compliance under this agreement. By ensuring your operations meet the necessary criteria, Kendrick Trade can help you unlock the full potential of the free trade agreement. Visit Kendrick Trade to learn more about our services and how we can support your business in making the most of USMCA benefits.



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