What are ICPA’s members saying :

“When I’m in the hot seat, ICPA is my lifeline!”

                  Jennifer Lam – Import / Export Mgr.
                  Wolf Appliance Co. LLC


“The ability of my group to handle complex issues has grown through its involvement in ICPA.”

Thomas W. Phalem / VP Tax, Customs & Insurance
Plantonics, Inc.


“Thank you all. This is a perfect example of why I have appreciated my membership to ICPA.
I have subscriptions to many magazines, newsletters, and I have attended many seminars, but
it’s this kind of information they never seem to address. You have just made my shipments to
Canada much easier. Our invoices does contain all the information that is on the CCI. Thanks again,”


ICPA would love to hear your testimonial !   Testimonials can be sent to the ICPA webmaster – webmaster@icpainc.org.

Notice : ICPA testimonials may be published on our website and / or future ICPA publications.