US Sanctions Policy-What’s Happened, and What Can We Expect from the Biden Administration?

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May 13, 2021, 5:30PM EST, Hosted by ACAMS New York Chapter: US Sanctions Policy-What’s Happened, and What Can We Expect from the Biden Administration?:


Please join us as our panel of experts discuss economic sanctions policy and enforcement under the Biden Administration, including what’s happened in the first four months and what we can expect over the next four years.

The discussion will include the latest developments in Myanmar, Russia and China and their impact on sanctions policy. The speakers will also discuss recent OFAC enforcement actions, the impact of court challenges to sanctions designations, the current status of the TikTok/WeChat “ban”, as well as other relevant and current topics, all of which will assist anti-financial crime professionals implement best practices for their institutions. The speakers will also speculate on how the Administration’s recent actions and statements will impact economic sanctions policy going forward.


Opening Remarks:




Panel includes:



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